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Goal! A Student's Poem ...

As a teacher, it's brilliant when a child brings in something they have done at home, that they are proud of (and I'm not talking the usual homework tasks).

Usually it's a drawing or sometimes, prose but rarely do I get a poem. So today, I was overjoyed when Mo-A came to my classroom door and pulled this folded up little masterpiece from his pocket. Mo-A is in Year 6 and a real all rounder and I always knew him as someone who loves his maths and is very good at it; therefore it was even more special to see him flexing his creative brain muscles. And with all this talk about children's mental health, how amazing that children are using poetry to express their feelings and make sense of the world we live in.

After reading his poems to class, he received a genuine round of applause from his peers, who were impressed with his rhyme, metre and precise narrative. Mo-A (and his wonderful mum) have given me permission to share his work here.

Let's show him some poetry love and ignite his newfound talent!

Please get involved and comment below...


No way, I missed the shot,

I have the gameplay of a bot

The whistle blows, the game is done,

Because of me, we lost by one

I'm sitting down, feeling sad,

My face expresses, I'm not glad

The coach gives me another chance,

Let's see if I advance

I come back the next game,

This time my gameplay's not lame

I get the ball and go for a shot,

Today's the day! I'm no longer a bot.


Once upon a time in 2020

School and parks were all pure empty

Everyone was home, on the sofa inside

They forgot everywhere; they needed a guide

The world's been ripped apart by coronavirus

And soon this will be history, behind us

Update: Brilliant children's poets, Brian Moses, Coral Rumble, Chris White, Neal Zetter, Sue Hardy-Dawson and Debra Bertulis have sent messages via Twitter...

Mo-A ... Neal Zetter Poetry told me to pass this one on and says it's for you:

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