I love teaching my class about working with a limited palette and how this can enhance their art beyond belief. However, working with only blue was new territory, even for my Year 6 students.
Felt tips are fine and unicorn rainbows have their place but art is a discipline, like any other subject and to achieve their best, sometimes children need to challenge themselves with restrictions and rules - just like we do in maths, science, prose and poetry.
Zaria Forman's art documents climate change through pastel work and I knew this would appeal to the modern sensibilities and contemporary thinking of the children I work with.
The outcomes of their art prove it: harnessing future-generation views, through art and any other area of creativity, is key to making this planet a better place for all humans, 50 years from now and beyond.
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Year 6 artists at work: Little versions of Zaria Forman with her vast array of pastels:

Hi! I'm a first year art teacher and I'm curious if you have a lesson plan for this lesson? The artworks that your students created are gorgeous and I'm curious about how you instructed them to make such awesome works? Zaria Forman is an awesome artist and your post is surprisingly the only one I've seen of art teachers sharing her work to students, so thank you for sharing!