Peter Max #PeterMax is a #PopArt genius. Behold this wonderful work we created as a whole-school Maxx-inspired project (Aged 4 to 11) . Check out more of his work here.
And of course Picasso, Dali, Matisse and Miro are all teachable supremos for a reason, but sometimes we should think outside of the box and spotlight the less obvious masters of art.
It's one of the few projects where I dare let go of my #LimitedPalette rule #NoUnicornVomit 😂
Don't ever let anyone tell you being and an #ArtTeacher is easy; it's one of the toughest but most rewarding subjects to offer ... especially if you have a passion for inspiring children, whilst truly loving your subject matter. #LoveItInsideOut

Here are some of the Peter Max art we used to inspire us:
