A sad poem about a tom and queen cat who once found love under the old garden tree. They vowed to rekindle their love in heaven, So what went wrong?

SkeleTom Cat
Furless, and skinless, no lungs and no heart
His claws clack and scuttle and scurry and dart
Fangs in his skull, flicker-flit under moon
Meowing and growling his sorrowful tune
Alleyway SkeleTom Cat’s on the prowl
He hotfoots, arched spine, hackle-less, full of howl
SkeleTom Cat slinks beneath the parked cars
Avoiding the prying and dying old stars
Bony, transparent, he’ll never been seen
His quest though, eternal, to find his Earth Queen
Head over paws, once alive full of love
Besotted pet cats vowed to meet up above
Heavenly bound, reunited they’d be
Rekindling romance from the old garden tree
Kittens of Earth, they once frolicked and played
and through their nine lives, their true passion unswayed
One fateful night in the stare of headlights
Old Tom petrified, lost his life, lost his fight
Furless, and skinless, no lungs and no heart
His claws clack and scuttle and scurry and dart
Tom cannot rest until he’s found his Queen
But night after night, she’s nowhere to be seen
Mark Bird