If I Were Me: a poem about being yourself for kids, students and teachers. Read this be yourself poem. Carpe Diem.

If I Were Me
When I was young
As young as you
I did not know
What I could do
I did not know
What I would see
I did not know
What I could be
I did not know
What made me me
The views were new
The dreams were tall
The climbs were fun
The fear small
The wishes big
The laughter heaped
The wonder wide
The magic deep
No time to look
Before the leap
And now I’m old
As old as me
I know the dreams
I didn’t see
I know the same
Recurring view
I know each day
What I would do
If I could know
The things you knew
Imagine all the things we’d be
If I were you and you were me
Imagine all the things we’d do
If I were me and you were you
© Mark Bird 2010
💡 If you could write a be yourself poem to your younger self, what advice would you give them? What things do you think we take for granted when we're young? Why not write your own Be Yourself poem as reminder of how much potential you have right now.