Be More You : A New Year Resolution Poem about resolutions you can keep.

Be More You (New Year Resolution Poem)
This New Year
choose honesty
choose to love
who you can be
Don’t believe
you’re not all that
just because
your tum's not flat
This New Year
see what you’ve got
Build on that
Not what you’re not
Don’t believe
you’re wrong or strange
or to fit
you have to change
This New Year
Chin up, chest out
Show the world
what you’re about
Don’t believe
that you have failed
just because
some ships have sailed
If last year
was quite a quest
Take a bow
You passed the test
Do believe
your day is here
Don’t defer
another year
This New year
forget the vows
on Here and Now
This New Year
in all you do
do all it takes
to be more you
©2021 Mark Bird
💡 Write your own New Year resolution poem about being more you based on the amazing qualities you already possess. I'd love to share your poems on the Dreambeast Poems blog.